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Some reviews from visitors of Pelle’s beer tasting events.

Pelle brings high energy
and keeps it up all evening.
Everything from basic info to nerdy details—

yet still accessible for
an ordinary Carlsberg guy.

Are you a beginner
or an experienced beer drinker?
This is an evening for all types.
Everyone can join in at their own level
and walk away with new experiences.

If you get the chance, I highly recommend you to attend Pelle Frost’s beer tastings.
/Pärra Eriksson

A more enthusiastic and knowledgeable beer guide than Pelle is nearly impossible to find.
He has the ability to spark everyone’s interest and make you eager to learn more about beer.

With anecdotes, beer history, and a wealth of knowledge, Pelle guided us through the secrets of beer. The tasting was never pretentious—rather, it was entertaining, fascinating, and fun.

Everyone’s questions were explored in depth, and it felt more like a conversation than a lecture. So much fun!

A pleasant and interesting tasting led by a knowledgeable beer expert with many years in the industry. It was also fun to hear stories about things that happened ”behind the scenes.” Highly recommended!
/Daniel Borg

Thanks for tonight! It was a dynamic performance with both raw data about beer and a good dose of cultural history. Well balanced!
/Erik Larsson